Amazing Nature
28 September 2024 ( 61 views )

Portraits Of Beautiful But Rare And Endangered Birds

Portrait paintings are a popular form of art and many people like to have their portraits at home. However, an artist should be super talented and patient to work on a portrait and even when you are modelling for one, you should also be equally patient. The end product would be a success only if these two components match with each other.

Tim Flach is known for his portrait arts and recently he started a project to portray rare and endangered bird species. He believes that no matter whether you are working with human models or animals, you have to be respectful and particularly when portraying animals, you should treat them with care. His project does not only present people with magnificent artwork but also makes them aware of different bird species and the importance of looking after them.

We talked to Flach to know more about the portraying process and this is what he had to say to us, “It depends on the kind of project I’m doing. If I’m doing a commission, and say, I’m most likely to be photographing a domestic animal like a cat or dog, then I probably work through a wrangler or handler because, at that point, everything needs to be confirmed with the agency and the client.”

“But when I work on my projects, it’s often that I’m following a concept or an idea. And that animal then is to represent that. Then the next question is, how do I access those animals? Well, then, of course, I have to take the situation, case by case. For example, if I want to access an endangered Saiga that can only be found in some national park near the Caspian Sea in Russia, then, of course, I have to get my friend in Moscow to organize something with the national park to get some kind of permission and visa”.

Explaining further, he also mentioned that, “I have to present a kind of case for why I want to get that access to them. For example, at the moment, I’m trying to get access to a very rare fossil. That fossil is unique, and I have to have a conference call with various people at the museum to convince them that it’s worth me having access to such an extraordinarily rare and important fossil.”

“I think the one thing as a photographer is that though you can have your kind of formulas and approaches to certain problem solving when it comes to the animals each can have different situations whether that means diving with hammerhead sharks, or tracking down polar bears in the Arctic, or penguins as I did in the Antarctic last Christmas. That’s slightly different than my models in the studio.”

So, scroll down to see these rare bird portraits, and do not forget to share your thoughts on this!

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#1. The Himalayan Monal.

#2. Blue Tit.

#3. Inca Tern.

#4. The Gouldian Finch.

#5. Silver Laced Polish Chicken.

#6. Major Mitchell.

#7. Northern Red Cardinal.

#8. The Philippine Eagle.

#9. Jacobian Pigeon.

#10. Longtail Broadbill.

#11. Black Jacobian Pigeon.

#12. Victoria Crowned Pigeon.

#13. The Toco Toucan.

#14. Egyptian Vulture.

#15. Red Splashed Jacobian Pigeon.

#16. Andean Cock of The Rock.

#17. The Grey Crowned Crane.

#18. Shoebill.

#19. The King Vulture.

#20. Vulturine Guineafowl Hen.

#21. Crested Miniature Duck.

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