28 Most Beautiful Birds In The World ( +Pictures )

15.Wood Duck (Aix sponsa)

The wood duck or carolina duck is a species of perching duck belonging to the Anatidae family that is found in North America.

These waterfowl birds are about 55 cm in length and about 500-850 gm in weight. The wood duck or carolina duck has a wingspan of 78 cm.

The Male wood duck is one of the most colorful and beautiful waterfowl. They have brown-red eyes, a crested head, thin neck, long and broad tails, and short wings. When it comes to the feather and body colors, they have a shiny green head, white patch of neck, thick tail, white-cream colored upperwing. These all make the male wood duck beautiful with its colors that attract females for them to mate, thus they are the most beautiful waterfowls.