Amazing Nature
28 March 2024 ( 68 views )

The Beefsteak Fungus, also known as Fistulina hepatica

This mushroom is best cooked in a creamy recipe, or mixed with other mushrooms due to the slight acidic taste. The wood of trees infected with the beefsteak fungus develops brown rot, which makes the wood richer, darker and of great interest to the furniture building trade.

My Very First Beefsteak Fungus! R/mycology, 50% OFF

The Beefsteak Fungus, also known as Fistulina hepatica, Ox Tongue, or Tongue Mushroom, is a unique type of mushroom that is commonly found on oak and chestnut trees. It can be seen in various regions including Britain, the rest of Europe, North America, Australia, North Africa, and Southern Africa.

This fungus is known for its striking resemblance to a slab of raw meat, hence the name “Beefsteak Fungus”. It’s not just the outer appearance that is meat-like, when you cut it open, it is nicely marbled and bleeds a dull red juice. The color of a younger Fistulina hepatica is a pinkish-red, and it darkens with age.

The Foraged Foodie: Eating my first Beefsteak Polypore (Fistulina hepatica)  & Identification

The Beefsteak Fungus is a type of bracket fungus, meaning it grows on the side of trees and doesn’t have gills or stems like a more traditional idea of a mushroom. It is a type of polypore with a firm, rigid appearance that looks like a shelf growing out of a tree.

The Beefsteak Fungus is considered edible, even though it has a bit of a sour flavor and needs a long cook time. It has been used as a meat substitute in the past simply because its appearance and texture easily trick the mind. However, older specimens should be soaked overnight, as their juice can cause gastric upset.

The Beefsteak Fungus is weakly parasitic and causes brown rot on trees they infect. Mostly, though, they are found on already dead trees where they are saprophytes, decomposing dead organic material. In Australia, it can be found growing from wounds on Eucalyptus trees.

The scientific name Fistulina means “small hollow tubes” (referring to the unique pore structure), and hepatica means “liver-like”. These mushrooms are also known as Ox Tongue fungus, Poor Man’s Steak, Liver Fungus, or Tongue mushroom.

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