The flame-faced tanager

There are many captivating birds that are gifted with colorful suits. Multiple hues splash on their plumage, making these birds conspicuous in nature. Interestingly, these colors blend harmoniously and also create a striking contrast for their look.

The flame-faced tanager is one of these spectacular birds. As its name suggests, this species has a fiery orange face, making it look like a burning flame.

These birds are also known for one-of-their-kind plumage. They have enchanting emerald green chests and bellies. However, their upperparts are covered in jet black with a greenish-yellow patch on the shoulders, outer wings, rump, and tail. For this coat, this tanager is dubbed a flying gemstone.

These birds prefer living in forested areas or at the edges of forested areas, or clearings that are about 1,200-2,500 m above the ground.

Regarding the diets, this tanager feeds mainly on fruit and insects that they seek along horizontal, moss-coated branches.
