The red-lipped batfish

I know it’s unusual and maybe even unkind to force you to consider the aesthetic appeal of a fish’s mouth, but please, consider this one. The red-lipped batfish (Ogcocephalus darwini) is a deepwater fish usually found near the Galapagos Islands, and its defining attribute is its mouth: big for its body (which usually grows to about 25cm, about the length of a burrito) and droopy, the red-lipped batfish’s lips look like a pair of Twizzlers melting in the sun.

Here are some other things this fish looks like: a stingray in a trash pile, a person about to vomit, and the disappointing offspring of Mr. and Mrs. Bighead. Although the reason for the fish’s striking pout is unclear, some scientists think it’s used to attract a mate. Look how the tip of its pink tongue sticks out of its mouth, and imagine how sensual that might be if you were a fish.
