The Truth Behind The Epic Photo Of A Frog Swallowing A Snake

The fortunate photographer sadly expected the worst for the amphibian in front of her, as its tongue was filled with small puncture from the snake, which was still wriggling in its throat. However, when O'Neill came out of her home the next morning, she found the same frog outside. She knew it was the same animal from the night before because of its unusual size–when picked up, it filled both of her hands. The Australian posted her photo to Google+ in 2011, expecting some popularity but not anywhere near the actual scale it reached. The picture was posted to a variety of sites and found much of its notoriety on Reddit. According to National Geographic, O'Neill–while a bit overwhelmed by the unexpected attention–is happy that so many people have enjoyed her bizarre photo. What do you think of the picture taken by O'Neill? Let us know in the comments below.