25 Breathtaking Winning Photos From The “Northern Lights Photographer Of The Year” Competition

#11 “Hafragilsfoss Aurora” By Stefano Pellegrini

Image source: pels_photo


“During my last trip to Iceland last August, the weather conditions were very ‘Icelandic’: cloudy & rainy. One evening, after spending sunset in Dettifoss, I looked up at the sky and saw something green. I didn’t plan a night session in that location since I didn’t have any subject to shoot. Dettifoss was too big and full of spray to photograph at night, so I got in the car and searched for other spots. My final destination was Hafragilsfoss, where I found an interesting composition. As soon as I was in the right position, I started with a 4-minute shot for the foreground. After a minute, I saw the sky exploding, so I quickly got my camera ready to catch the aurora. It was absolutely breathtaking and one of the most incredible shows I’ve ever seen!”