The World’s Scariest Flowers... or what nightmares are made of.

Flowers are not always beautiful. When you think of flowers, the last thing you think of is scary’, right?! While most flowers are quite beautiful, some are nondescript and some are so creepy they look like they came out of a 1950’s horror film.

Bat Flower

The black bat flower or “tacca chantieri” is native to the Southeastern regions of Asia such as Southern China, Malaysia, and Thailand. This nearly pitch-black plant definitely has one of the more chilling appearances. There aren’t many flowers that have ears and whiskers, but the bat flower does. The plant grows up to 12 inches across with long whiskers that grow up to 28 inches. It is known for its bat shape hence its common name.

I find this one extremely beautiful and fascinating. Can you imagine a Halloween wedding with these in the bridal bouquet?! Wow!