This 28,000-Year-Old Ancient Phallus Unearthed in a Cave in Germany Had More Uses Than One

The 28,000-year-old Hohle Fels phallus on display at the Museum Of Prehistory Blaubeuren. Image credit: Hannes Wiedmann
The Hohle Fels phallus is a rare and valuable find, as male representations are very uncommon in the archaeological record of this time period. Female representations with highly accentuated sexual attributes, such as the Venus figurines, are much more frequent and widespread at many sites across Europe and Asia. The Hohle Fels phallus suggests that male sexuality was also an important aspect of the cultural and ritual life of the Ice Age people who inhabited the cave.

The Hohle Fels phallus is currently on display at the Blaubeuren Prehistoric Museum near Ulm, where visitors can admire this unique and fascinating piece of human history.