This Scorpion Found in a Mine Has Turned Into Copper And Here’s How That’s Possible

The copper scorpion was on display at the 2019 Tucson Gem And Mineral Show. Image credit: AZ MMNRE Museum Twitter page
So how did it happen in the case of this scorpion?

According to @BenMS on Twitter, it was most likely a very, very slow process. The unfortunate scorpion most likely became trapped in the rock and, with time, was subjected to fluids rich in copper which deposited the metal as they evaporated, a process akin to how petrified wood is created.

But there’s another explanation that has to do with primitive and inadequate copper smelting techniques.

It is possible that during the smelting process, liquid copper leaked and flowed through the rocks to where the scorpion was trapped.

Regardless of the explanation, the copper scorpion is truly remarkable!
