#6 Crab Spider- Beautiful and Deadly
Animals With Camouflage: Crab Spider
Crab spiders use their camouflage to ambush their prey.
©Iurochkin Alexandr/Shutterstock.com
The crab spider gets its name because it holds its front legs and scuttles much the way a tiny crab would. There are over 2000 species of Thomisidae crab spider, and they live all over the world. They’re also called flower spiders because they sometimes sit on a flower and wait for prey such as a butterfly or other pollinator to come. Then they ambush it. They range in size from about 0.16 of an inch to 0.3 of an inch.
Some crab spider species are able to change their color to match the color of the flower they rest on. Not only this, the spider sometimes turns the color of their prey. Other crab spiders mimic tree bark or bird droppings. In some crab spider species, the females are many times larger than the males. Their conservation status is not extinct.