Top 12 strangest animals in the world

An undated handout photo received from Taronga Zoo on March 4, 2021 shows a platypus held in the arms of a zoo staff member. (File photo: AFP)
An undated handout photo received from Taronga Zoo on March 4, 2021 shows a platypus held in the arms of a zoo staff member. (File photo: AFP)
An egg-laying mammal, that it is semi-aquatic, nocturnal and venomous, the Platypus -sometimes referred to as the duck-billed platypus – is endemic to eastern Australia, including Tasmania. The mammel have evolved electroreception to help locate prey, much like bats and sharks, but has almost 40,000 electroreceptors, providing incredible accuracy. This little creature – they only grow up to around 50 centimeters in length – is one of the only creatures in the world to be the one and only representative of its family and genus for scientific classification.