Amazing Nature
01 April 2024 ( 59 views )

Trio Of Black Spotted Dog, Pony And Horse Became Friends And Play Together Like Siblings

Today we bring to you the amazing trio consisting of a horse, a dog, and a pony. They all look similar in appearance despite the fact that they are different in species and size. These three are all members of the Greetje Arends-Hakvoort’s family. These animals adore playing together, putting their differences aside.

Greetje, the horse trainer has a Shetland pony, Appaloosa stallion, and Dalmatian dog in her family, and they all look like clones of different sizes. You can usually find the three animals training, running, and having fun together. Their owner loves to take the animals out on walks along with her seven-year-old daughter named Jolie. She prefers to ride on the Shetland pony.

Talking with whatzviral Greetji said, “Nevada, my stallion is Brown Black and White-spotted 3 colors and Jack and Napoleon are Black and white spotted.”

Nevada is the name of the 10-year-old stallion. Napoleon, the pony, is 6 years old, and Jack Sparrow, the Dalmatian is 2 years old. Greetje is from Netherland and apparently, she had always wanted a Dalmatian dog. She also adores spotted horses, so both her wishes come true together. The animal trio brings smiles to the faces of the people who see them together.

“I have always wanted a Dalmatian dog and I love spotted horses so two of my wishes came together in a special way.”

People are even reminded of the 101 Dalmatians film when they look at these three. The pony was born during the same time period that Jolie was born, so the two of them grew up together and are very good friends. When the dog was young, he thought of himself as a horse as well and fitted in perfectly.

“People always smile when they see the three together; often people refer to the 101 Dalmatians film and it brings up nice childhood memories for them.”

Talking with us she said, “On this family picture you also see my baby girl Sunnery Jeune she also have a spotted foal to grow up with”.

Trust is of the essence when it comes to these three. Horses thrive when there is trust in play. They also require self-assurance and need to feel comfortable, and the Dalmatian provides the horses with exactly all of that. There’s a lot of love between the horses and the dog. Since the family is growing, more spots have opened up. Greetje has three other horses and training them is her passion.

Image Credit & More Info; greetjehakvoort/instagram | | minhdanvufotografie | | Juliette fotografie |

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