Rainbow eucalyptus: the stunning, colorful tree that looks like art

Imagine walking in a forest and seeing Eucalyptus trees — unmistakable with their astringent fragrance — so colorful you’d have to assume you’d stumbled upon a sight-specific art installation

As rainbow eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta) sheds its bark, it reveals a neon green inner layer. Over time, as this layer is exposed to air, it ages into different colors—bright reds, oranges, blues, pinks and purples. The different colors appear as different layers fall off, while other exposed areas begin aging. This process creates a spectacular visual, resembling a multi-colored crayon scratch drawing, covered with black crayon that is then scraped away to reveal the multi-colors underneath. 

Also known as the Mindanao gum or rainbow gum, the rainbow eucalyptus has a high commercial value for a product that is actually colorless: its thin layers of bark are an excellent source for pulpwood, the main ingredient in white paper. It is a dominant species in pulpwood plantations, as they are naturally resistant to pest and disease issues, and are incredibly fast growers — gaining up to three feet per year.
