3. Shoebill Stork
A shoebill stork (Balaeniceps rex) facing camera
The shoebill stork (Balaeniceps rex) is definitely a mean-looking bird native to Uganda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Zambia. Their name derives from their enormous bills that closely resemble a shoe and can make a call reminiscent of a machine gun.
These prehistoric-looking storks have long legs and predominantly grayish bodies. Their bills are pale yellow with gray markings.
Adult birds can grow around 43 to 55 inches in height and weigh between 8.8 to 15.4 pounds. The males are usually larger than the females.
These birds are known to exhibit slow movements and are capable of staying still for long durations while waiting for their prey.
They follow a largely piscivorous diet, occasionally supplementing it with frogs, snakes, turtles, and other vertebrates.