Underwater Photographer Takes Gorgeous Photos Of Plankton

Photography is a passion. It is about patience to capture the perfect moment. Underwater photography is another thing. Sometimes you may spend 20 years underwater to capture microscopic plankton. At least, this is what Ryo Minemizu, a Japanese underwater photographer did.

Throughout his career, Minemizu dedicated himself to capture the perfect shot of this super small sea organism. For 20 years, he tried to capture the smallest plankton in the Osezaki sea.

To capture the perfect moment, he spends hours underwater. While sometimes he was underwater for 2 hours, in some days he spends more than 8 hours. This plankton is tiny and the largest of this species is 40 mm. And the smallest can be as small as 2 mm.

To capture microscopic plankton with 2 mm to 40 mm length, Japanese photographer spends almost 20 years.