Weird animals: 17 of the most bizarre animals on Earth

Star-nosed mole
A photograph of the star-nosed mole showing tentacles around its nose
The star-nosed mole has 25,000 sensory receptors on the fleshy tentacles around its nose © Getty
Geologists of the animal kingdom, the star-nosed mole can detect seismic waves with 25,000 sensory receptors that make up the fleshy tentacles around its nose. As the only mole to live in swamps and marshes, the star-nosed mole may also be able to detect faint electrical signals from aquatic prey. It can also smell underwater by blowing air bubbles and sucking them back into its nose, one of only two species that can do this (the other is the water shrew). It also wins the prize for one of the fastest eaters in the world, taking less than a quarter of a second to slurp down a meal. Gulp!