10 of the Most Beautiful Birds in the World

2. Hyacinth Macaw
Hyacinth Macaw Colorful Birds
Also known as the “blue macaw” due to their impressive azure blue plumage that’s splendidly matched with a yellow band around the eyes. The hyacinth macaw is the largest flying parrot species, measuring a remarkable 40 inches in length.

The wingspan spreads out to four feet, making for a truly majestic specimen regardless of its gorgeous coloring. Apart from the stunning cobalt blue feathers, you can identify the hyacinth macaw by its arched black bill and charming long tail.

Natively inhabiting the Amazon particularly the savannah grasslands of Brazil, this most beautiful of birds, unfortunately, continues to dwindle in population. They’re currently just about 5,000 of these birds inhabiting the wild, thanks to hunting and a rapidly shrinking habitat.

With training, they can make fine pets. Since they’re affectionate birds that love to play, give them adequate space and they’ll be at home. But beware that in groups they can be super-noisy, and are still capable of taking a powerful bite out of you despite proper training and care.

Unlike other parrots in the macaw family, they’re not prolific imitators of speech.