10 of the Most Beautiful Birds in the World

6. Atlantic Puffin
Atlantic Puffin Prettiest Birds
The Atlantic puffin is an unusual mix of features that adds up to one of the most striking seabirds. The coloring of their plumage is reminiscent of the ever-endearing penguin, yet their distinctive bills have earned them the nickname of the “sea parrot”.

Atlantic puffins possess water-repellant feathers and are excellent swimmers on the surface and beneath. They flap their wings to propel themselves underwater or on the surface. They’re superb divers who reach depths of 160 feet. Unlike the penguin, though, they’re excellent flyers, and can achieve speeds over 50 miles per hour.

Bird watchers looking for these beautiful birds can find them over the coast of eastern Canada and northern USA.

Atlantic puffins breed in nests they build along the coast during summer and spring. The breeding occurs on the isles of the Atlantic Ocean where the female lays only a single egg that hatches within one and a half months.

Thereafter, they nourish the chicks with small fish that they catch and transfer in their massive beaks. Amazingly, they can manage up to 30 fish in one go; hakes, sand eels, and capelines are the staple food for Atlantic puffins.