The Eye of the Sahara: A Mystery Older than Humans White Aurora, Finland Fairy-Tale-Like Bird That Seems to Have Come From Paradise The Arbol Del Tule Is Proof That Mother Nature Is Miraculous The Beefsteak Fungus, also known as Fistulina hepatica Famed 5,300-Year-Old Alps Iceman Was a Balding Middle-Aged Man With Dark Skin and Eyes Photographer Captured Polar Bears Playing In Flower Fields
Great-spotted Woodpecker. 23,000-Year-Old Human Footprints Found in New Mexico Photographer Captures Amusing Photos Of Beautiful Mantises Stunningly well-preserved remains of marine animals that lived in a tropical sea 183 million years ago are unearthed in a farmer's field in Gloucestershire Transparent Juvenile Surgeonfish Hidden Camera Catches Doting Eagle Doing Everything He Can To Please His Wife In Siberian Permafrost, An 18,000-Year-Old Puppy Was Discovered Transform Your Backyard With These 28 Stunning Flower Ideas for a Beautiful Landscape