This is a common Suriname Toad (Pipe pipe) 22 Extraordinary And Unique Flowers THE EYES OF GOD | PROHODNA CAVE | KARLUKOVO, BULGARIA Meet Tattoo The Appaloosa, A Horse With Leopard Spots As Cool As Him Land of Giants: 10 Facts About Sequoia National Park Waddles the Disabled Duck Walks for the First Time on His 3D-Printed Prosthetic Leg The World-Famous Easter Island Heads Have Bodies Buried Underground
The oldest tree in the world — it is 9,500 years old and grows in Sweden! 16 weird plants that seem more supernatural than natural This is the oldest leather shoe ever found. It's 5,500 years old and extremely well-preserved. Giant Groundsels on Mt. Kilimanjaro (Prehistoric Plant) White bat flower (Tacca integrifolia). 83 Completely Bewitching Pics That Seem Straight Out Of A Fairytale A Wunderpus octopus (Wunderpus photogenicus) in its larval stage. Amazonian tree with human-sized leaves finally gets ID’d as new species