15 Most Bizarre Flowers From Around The World

In the world of flowers, you’ve probably heard of the usual: roses, tulips, daisies, wildflowers, hydrangeas and peonies. These are stunning, but common. They also seem “normal” and friendly. However, this can’t be said for all flowers though. There are many flowers that look like typical and familiar things, but flowers would not be one of them!

Get ready — these flowers are bizarre, strange, scary, adorable, entertaining and shocking. And yes, some happen to be devastatingly beautiful, too!

Did You Pay For Those?

Have you heard of Hooker’s Lips (Psychotria elata)? Trust me, no one’s being insulted here. It’s just the name of a very beautiful flower from Columbia, Costa Rica and Panama. And it has bracts (leaves that produce very small flowers) that look like the kind of lips everyone is spending a fortune on these days. It’s only good for a smooch for a few days though, after which the “lips” part and reveal tiny flowers inside. Pucker up!
