15 Smallest Birds in the World

8. Costa’s Hummingbird
Male Costa's hummingbird
Another member of the hummingbird family, Costa’s hummingbirds (Calypte costae) are tiny and weigh not more than 0.11 ounces.

The maximum length these hummingbirds grow up to is 3-3.5 inches, with a wingspan of 4.3 inches.

These birds mostly live in deserts, semi-deserts, or open meadows in North America.

If the living conditions in their natural habitat become unbearable or the resources there become scarce, Costa’s hummingbirds consider migrating to other countries.

Costa’s hummingbirds reach sexual maturity when they turn a year old. And the male and female Costas breed between January to May every year but do not form exclusive pairs.