15 Smallest Birds in the World

9. Goldcrest – The Smallest Birds in Britain
Goldcrest bird sitting on the branch in cold winter snowy time
Also known as Britain’s smallest bird, the average weight of the goldcrest (Regulus regulus) spans from 0.20 – 0.40 ounces.

They grow only 3.7 inches long and have a wingspan of 6.1 inches, making them one of the smallest bird species in the world.

Spread across Europe, the goldcrests are also found in the Himalayas and Japan. These birds may be tiny but are powerful enough to sustain their annual migratory journeys, which are super long.

The size of the birds made ornithologists wonder how exactly they crossed the North Sea without any aid.

Initially, they believed that these birds might be taking assistance from other migratory birds – but that wasn’t the case – these tiny birds actually flew across thousands of miles all by themselves!