Admire The Extraordinary Beauty Of The Cradle Of Venus-One Of The Rarest Orchids

You need to keep the soil wet all the time to ensure the orchid can grow quickly. In the winter months, more care is required to prevent the roots from losing water. The air also should be kept moist so that the plant can flourish. Additionally, more water is necessary after the pseudobulb starts to form anew.
Necessary care
This species challenges many people with its stringent dietary requirement. Therefore, many give up on it after a short time trying to meet its demands. Maybe it’s the reason why this beautiful species is so rare.
While Anguloa uniflora is called cream eaters because of the enormous caloric requirement, giving it too much food may do more harm than good. You should stop feeding it when its leaves turn brown from overexposure to the sun. The orchid needs more fertilizer in spring and summer, while eight weeks or less of fertilizer are enough in fall and winter.