Admire The Extraordinary Beauty Of The Cradle Of Venus-One Of The Rarest Orchids

The suitable temperature will depend on the altitudes where the plants were taken from. Those from greater heights can survive in the condition of 13-17 degrees, while those from lower altitudes can only thrive in a range of 24-27 degrees.
As the natural habitat of these plants is jungles, they are accustomed to being under the shadow. Therefore, you should put them in the shade if you keep them inside your house.
Orchid planting medium
Loamy soil, which retains water without becoming soggy, is the best choice if you want to replant Anguloa uniflora. The container should have a humidity reservoir and sufficient drainage and air circulation to prevent water accumulation. Improper containers may create a chance for fungus and mold to develop and ruin the plant.