Amazing Nature
07 April 2024 ( 87 views )

Artist Bryony Rose Jennings Creates Adorable Animal Sculptures From Discarded Fabric Scraps

When we talk about textile art, we usually think of embroideries, tapestries, weavings, and carpet design. But over the past century, textile artists have pushed the boundaries of how this versatile material can be used to create stunning artworks. Portsmouth-based artist Bryony Rose Jennings, for example, creates textile animal sculptures made entirely from discarded fabric scraps. Her works feature charming creatures stitched into existence and brimming with character.

‘Mama of small wildlings’, as she prefers to call herself, she puts together forgotten fabrics to create textile animal sculptures with a story to tell. Each piece of patchwork is meticulously crafted to impress with realistic details and mesmerizing colors. Like a traditional sculptor, she builds each figurine with fabric and sculpts it with stitch. Each piece is totally unique as she does not follow a particular pattern and simply allow each creature to realize along the way.


Textile Animal Sculptures Made From Forgotten Fabric Scraps


“I’m not looking for realism; my work seeks a feeling of life and soul.” Jennings says. “The animals come into being and they pull me in, there is a turning point with each sculpture I make, a moment when the personality appears and begins to direct its own evolution, it feels a bit like magic.”

Jennings started her artistic journey as a jewelry designer in 2004. But in 2008, her career would make a sudden turn after she created a life-size patchwork of a donkey using reclaimed materials. She has been hooked on making textile animal sculptures ever since. From a fierce-looking fox to a cute mouse, she gives life to timeworn linens and draperies by seeking potential in the smallest scraps and finding inspiration in the pattern of the discarded fabric. She fills in other details using found objects such as buttons, beads, marbles, and old jewelry pieces.






















Follow the textile artist on Instagram to get updated with her latest patchwork masterpieces. You can also check out her online shop to see her original artworks for sale.

Source: Instagram | Pretty Scruffy

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