Tiny Houses That Show The Joys Of Cozy Living Atacama Desert bursts with color in rare wildflower bloom Mexico’s Tule Tree Has the World’s Thickest Trunk, And It’s Still Growing Night Sky Petunia: A Mesmerizing Flower That Seems To Hold A Constellation Of Stars In Its Petals Real-Life ‘Angry Bird’ Captured on Camera by Wildlife Photographer in Nebraska Salt Domes And Salt Glaciers of Zagros Mountains, Iran Rare “Fire Rainbow” Appears In Sky Over South Carolina
5000-Year-Old Sacred City of Caral is the Oldest Civilization in the Americas Exceedingly Rare Dwarf Kingfisher Photographed For The First Time Ever After 130 Years 35 Abandoned Places Lost In Time: “When Humans Leave, Nature Starts To Take Back” 20+ Animals That Seem Almost Unreal in Size The plumbeous water redstart (Phoenicurus fuliginosus) 32 Mind-Blowing Examples Of When Street Art Cleverly Interacts With Nature Rare Pink Katydid Found in Aquinnah Oldest Tree in the World Found: It’s Called Great-Grandfather and is 5,484 years old