Red River In Cusco, Peru Scientists discover remains of Hobbit humans that stood only 3ft high and lived 700,000 years ago in Indonesia. This Green Bird Looks Like Fluorescent Highlighters We Use At School Resident of Iranian Town Discovers Enormous Underground City While Digging Sewage Ditch in His Home Could These 4,000-Year-Old Aboriginal Cave Paintings in Australia Really Depict Aliens? A Male Bald Eagle That Was Trying To Hatch A Rock Has Been Given A Chick To Raise Man Spots ‘Dead’ Sea Turtle Trapped On Land And Brings Her Back To Life
Photographer Captured A Tiny Bird Using A Flower Petal As Its Bathtub The Burrowing Owls of Marco Island Yellow-rumped Warbler: A Colorful Visitor in North America Hoodos: The Beautiful Fairy Chimneys That Appear To Be From Another Planet Boxer Mantis nymph (Pachymantis bicingulata) Cherry Blossom Stone Is a Natural Wonder Hilarious Images Showing Some Of Mother Nature’s Most Unique Trees Gelatine Slug Caterpillar (Cup Moth, Limacodidae)