The ruff (Calidris pugnax) is a medium-sized wading bird that breeds in marshes and wet meadows across northern Eurasia. Blue-eyed Ground-Dove The hooded warbler (Setophaga citrina) 10 Of The Weirdest Looking Birds In The World The Mandarin Duck – The Worlds Most Beautiful Bird Nature’s Engineer The ultramarine flycatcher or the white-browed blue flycatcher (Ficedula superciliaris)
Waterfalls in United States Romantic Photos Of Pastel Parrotlet Birds Photographer Dives Into Crashing Waves To Capture Their Raw Power From Within 10 ugly and inappropriate wedding dresses. What were they thinking? Green Pearl of Arsanjan 25 Resilient Trees Defying Harsh Conditions 22 Awkward Fashion Moments That Can’t Be Easily Explained Elliot's Pheasant (Syrmaticus ellioti) — also called the Chinese Bar-Backed Pheasant or Barred-Back Pheasant