Dead snapdragon flowers looks like a weird skull The Amethyst Mushroom Is Like A Galaxy Uplistsikhe Cave Town: 3,000 Years Old Ancient Rock-Hewn Town 20 Times Nature’s Printer Stops Working, And The Results Are Amazing 10 delicately balanced rocks that defy gravity After 100 years, this four-legged Iowa beauty is tree-mendous Cedar Apple Rust (Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae Schwein.)
Passiflora alata, the winged-stem passion flower, is a species of flowering plant. 25 Things That Are Bigger Than You Think Six Ancient Stone Spheres from Diquís Delta in Costa Rica Excavated 18 Beautiful Secretary Birds Showing Of Their Incredible Eyelashes The 10 Rarest Flowers In The World Brown Frillback Pigeon Blood Falls (Antarctica) This African Plant Is the Brightest Object in the World