Amazing Nature
24 March 2024 ( 83 views )

Exceedingly Rare Dwarf Kingfisher Photographed For The First Time Ever After 130 Years

An elusive bird that was first archived in 1890 has recently been captured on camera for the very first time. This mysterious species of bird is called the South Philippine Dwarf Kingfisherand as the name suggests, resides in the southern region of the Philippines. For over a century since it was first depicted by Prof. Joseph Beal Steere during his expedition to the Philippines. Until recently the South Philippine Dwarf Kingfisher has remained an enigma, but thanks to the restless effort from Field Biologist/Conservationist Miguel David De Leon and his group of researchers from the Robert S. Kennedy Bird Conservancy, this bashful bird's awe-inspiring beauty has now been captured on camera for the entire world to behold. To say that this bird was hard to get would be an understatement, but the pictures are totally worth it.

All hail, the legendary Dwarf King(fisher):

Dwarf KingfisherSource: Miguel David De Leon

Dwarf KingfisherSource: Miguel David De Leon

As you can see, this bird is very tiny. In fact, it is the tiniest species of Kingfisher in the Philippines. What's even more special about this bird is its striking plumage of metallic lilac, orange, and bright blue spots. It can be easily distinguished from the other birds in its range thanks to its coral red bill, lilac-rufous upperparts, yellow-orange underparts, and blue-dark back. Even their call is very unique, being described as a “high-pitched, insect-like, and almost inaudible zeeeep". It is found in the virgin and second-growth forests in the islands of Mindanao and Basilan.

So tiny, yet so heart-meltingly beautiful. Look at those colors...

Dwarf KingfisherSource: Miguel David De Leon

Dwarf KingfisherSource: Miguel David De Leon

De Leon, the director of the Robert S. Kennedy Bird Conservancy and a field biologist himself, told Esquire Philippines that the small organization consists of eight field laborers and bird photographers that report on birds and their habitats. De Leon believes their work contributes information previously unknown to science, with the ultimate goal of preserving ecosystems and the species that inhabit them.
"We focus on poorly known birds and document their biology and ecology or how they interact with other organisms in their habitat," De Leon adds.
After almost a decade-long effort, De Leon and his colleagues have managed to visually document one of the rarest and most elusive species of bird on the planet, their objective was to archive the birds nesting, feeding, and breeding behaviors in order to help conserve this species.

Source: Miguel David De Leon

Dwarf KingfisherSource: Miguel David De Leon

The dwarf kingfishers are cavity nesters, meaning they excavate nest holes in earth banks and termite nests called termitaria. They feed on smaller creatures like worms, lizards, insects, etc...

Dwarf KingfisherSource: Miguel David De Leon

According to De Leon, the greatest threats to the survival of the South Philippine Dwarf Kingfisher are habitat destruction, poaching, and climate change. He believes that conservation is more than just forests and trees.
"The biggest threat to the decline or loss of our endemic and indigenous species is habitat loss. Hunting and trapping for food or the illegal pet trade are contributory factors as well. Culturally, recreational shooting of birds using airguns or slingshots puts further pressure on bird populations," says De Leon.

Dwarf KingfisherSource: Miguel David De Leon

Watch the live footage of the South Philippines Dwarf Kingfisher here:

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