Amazing Nature
23 February 2024 ( 31 views )

I Saw A Rare Pair Of African Twin Elephants Born In Kenya

A rare set of twin elephants were born in Africa at Kenya’s Samburu National Reserve for the second time in less than two years. Twins are rarely found in the elephant population, making up around 1% of births.

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Elephant twins don’t usually have the best outcomes. In 2022, an elephant gave birth to twins in the Samburu Reserve

Alto’s twins are the fourth set of twins ever recorded in both Samburu and nearby Shaba National Reserves

The mother, called Alto is estimated to be 26 years old, she also has the support of her herd to protect the twins

Twins are rarely found in the elephant population, making up around 1% of births

The African savanna elephant is classified as endangered

The mother, called Alto is estimated to be 26 years old

After the rain the green grass is everywhere in Samaburu, a great time for elephants

Elephants have the largest gestation period of any living mammal, carrying their young for nearly 22 months, and giving birth roughly every four years

Elephant twins rarely survive but there’s lots of food in the park following the rains, so the mother should be able to produce plenty of milk to feed her babies

There are over 36,000 elephants in Kenya

Twin births are rare in elephant society

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