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03 August 2024 ( 774 views )

Instagram Vs Reality:

Some of the images people post online can range from cute to an utter spit in the face of photography. But there is a specific subset of absurd pictures where a person has decided that no one will notice the mountain of filters they have applied.
We’ve gathered some of the most egregious examples of “Instagram versus reality” on the internet. We also got in touch with Erin Vogel, PhD, Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center to discuss beauty standards and how they warp people’s perceptions. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and share your thoughts below.

#1 Her Entire Profile Is Filled With These!

Image credits:

#2 Do Male Ig Models Count?

Image credits:

#3 You Have Got To Be Kidding Me

Image credits: scorpiopath

Bored Panda got in touch with Erin Vogel, PhD, Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center and she was kind enough to share some thoughts with us on beauty standards, what causes them, where they come from and what people can do to change their mindset.

“Beauty standards are rooted in systems of power. People with privilege set standards that are not attainable—and maybe not desirable—for most people. For example, in the United States, many beauty standards are centered around White people’s appearances.”

#4 Those Proportions Though

Image credits: slm81

#5 She Claims Her Body Is “Natural” And All “Genetics”

Image credits: wolfxiwtf

#6 He Has One Sky That Follows Him Around Everywhere He Goes. Amazing How Its So Consistent!

Image credits: BlurzIce

“Advertisements, both online and offline, reinforce the idea that we need to spend money on products and services to look a certain way to be attractive and feel good about ourselves,” she shared. After all, if you constantly feel like your own body, hair or face is a problem, chances are you’ll spend money to “fix” it.

#7 Thank You Tinder For The Incoming Nightmares Ill Have Tonight

Image credits: benkirby1992

#8 Omeone Needs To Come Take Their Moms Phone (In The Comments She Swears She Didn’t Edit)

Image credits:

#9 Photoshop Skills Level Above 1000

Image credits:

We also wanted to know if there were any other “sources” of beauty standards. “Traditional media and social media both play a role in setting beauty standards. When people with certain features (e.g., thinner or more muscular bodies) are consistently shown in the media, we collectively start to believe that those features are ideal.”

#10 No Face Texture

Image credits: OpnerOner

#11 Same Person – Instagram & Screenshot On Television

Image credits:

#12 You Can Barely See Her Nose

Image credits: Matthiaszzz

So we also wanted to hear her advice on what people can do to try and “shield” themselves from the constant bombardment of certain body types and looks. “Follow people on social media whose content brings something good to your life. Social media can be great for staying in touch with friends, making ourselves laugh, and learning something new.”

#13 Nearly Had A Heart Attack When I Opened Tinder This Morning

Image credits: reknae

#14 Saw This A While Back… Thought I’d Post It Here

Image credits: afroqt

#15 Every Post Is This Weird Forced Laugh Pose And Soullessly White Eyes

Image credits: lolita_babe

“If you notice that you’re constantly comparing yourself to other people on social media and feeling bad about yourself, it might be time to follow some new people. There are plenty of body-positive people of all shapes and sizes on social media. Find someone relatable. Their content might be uplifting when you’re struggling with the pressure to look perfect.”

#16 It’s Like A Mask

Image credits: maxowl95

#17 Photographer’s Page vs. Model’s Page

Image credits:

#18 New Picture vs. Picture From 2020

Image credits: Nahareeli

However, setting those standards aside, we also wanted to hear her opinion on the sorts of images seen here. After all, beauty standards are one thing, but some of these are so overly edited that there is no way they look “good.” “We spend a lot of time on social media, and we adjust to seeing and using filters!” she shared.

#19 Jeebs

Image credits: throwawarRAqwertyuio

#20 Internal Organs? Never Heard Of ‘Em

Image credits: Negative_Splace

#21 Yup Nothing To See Here

Image credits:

“Many people who edit their images may be trying to fit a certain ideal that seems normal and desirable on social media.” Unfortunately, if you spend too much time just looking at edited photos, you end up with a skewed idea of what human beings look like. So if 90% of the people you see are on Instagram, the photos here are not that far from the norm.

#22 I Finally Found One In The Wild

Image credits: thelittleEcho

#23 I’m Sensing A Filter

Image credits: OriginalGSpot

#24 Someone Call An Ambulance

Image credits: velmazing44

#25 Holy Hand Difference, Batman

Image credits: galwithgoats

#26 She Could Be An Olympic Swimmer With Those Flippers!

Image credits: AndreasBerthou

#27 One Of Those Whitening Ads Again

Image credits:

#28 The Caption Says It’s Not Photoshop, But… How?

Image credits: bringthesnacks

#29 Pants For Stick People

Image credits: NoCommunication5431

#30 Must Be Her Sister In The Car

Image credits: illegalmemesforsal

#31 We’ve Got Another Member Of The Pea-Head Squad. His Head Compared To His Hands…i Can’t

Image credits: okay_but_what

#32 Croatian Singer. Yes This Is The Same Perosn

Image credits:

#33 This Guy’s Instagram Is A Goldmine

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#34 The All New Curved Iphones

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#35 “Professional” Photoshoot, Very Odd

Image credits: albino__bambino

#36 My Friend Met This Girl And She Looks Nothing Like This

Image credits: ConversationMotor536

#37 Watch Me As I Stand On A Narrow Ledge With My Perfectly Clean Bike On A Wet Day

Image credits: Captaincadet

#38 Aging Really Shouldn’t Be Something We’re Ashamed Of

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#39 When Your Head Is Thrice As Large As Your Thigh

Image credits:

#40 Ok These Are Getting Ridiculous

Image credits: _IssaViolin_

#41 That Is One Giant Hand

Image credits: Leathermos

#42 Found This Random Ig Model And I’m Genuinely Terrified

Image credits: Crazy_Slice

#43 You Think She Might Look A Little Different Irl?

Image credits: yoshiwot42

#44 Found One In The Wild – I Am Flabbergasted

Image credits: chantoi

#45 Scarred Me A Little Bit, Not Gonna Lie

Image credits: Malow

#46 Skipped Leg Day, Forever

Image credits: Douchecanoeistaken

#47 Totally Realistic Proportions

Image credits: nunuvurbiznez

#48 Same Person… Wow

Image credits: ThePandaShow1990

#49 I Really Thought At First Glance This Was A Sims Freeplay Edit

Image credits: Winston_Churchill

#50 I Was Shopping Online When I Saw This Dress… And Those Shoulders

Image credits: saithesti

#51 Her Ig Profile Picture vs. A Screencap Of The TV Show She’s On

Image credits:

#52 This Edit Seems Off

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#53 Econ 101

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#54 Whitest Teeth In The West

Image credits: thelostdemon

#55 This Model Makes Herself Look Easily 25 Years Younger And It’s Crazy

Image credits: HVACery

#56 She Can Touch The Sky With Those Legs

Image credits: GalacticKitty

#57 Hi Humans

Image credits: ClinicalIllusionist

#58 Intestines ? Never Heard Of Them

Image credits: ccupcakesrfun

#59 Don’t Understand How Someone Can See This As Anything But Straight Up Scary

Image credits: faevic

#60 I’m Speechless

Image credits: dg_hj25

#61 Someone’s Learning On Ms Paint

Image credits: Captaincadet

#62 Never Skips A Leg Day, Just Skips The Right Leg

Image credits: _1000papercranes_

#63 When Your Eyes Are So Piercing, They Burn Holes In Your Hair

Image credits:

#64 Makeup Is Truly Amazing. It’s The Nose For Me

Image credits: fatincomingvirus

#65 When Blurring Your Wrinkles, Don’t Forget To Blur Your Reflection Too

Image credits: Magistraliter

#66 Found In The Wild On Instagram

Image credits: olivia-annabelle

#67 What She Lacks In Calves She Makes Up In Shoe Size

Image credits: funpolicebendover

#68 Noses Are Clearly Overrated…who Even Needs Them?

Image credits: keyneem

#69 Rib Removal? Nah, Photoshop

Image credits:

#70 When Your Shadow Looks More Realistic Than You. Seriously, Bellies Don’t Need To Be Fixed

Image credits: auapld

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