Amazing Nature
26 March 2024 ( 265 views )

Nyakim Gatwech entered the Guinness book of records with her skin color

Black model Nyakim Gatwech, nicknamed 'Queen of Darkness', entered the Guinness book of records with her skin color.

Nyakim Gatwech, ten rengiyle Guinness rekorlar kitabına girdi - Resim: 1
Black model Nyakim Gatwech, nicknamed "Queen of Darkness", who fascinates those who see her with her skin color, was selected as the "Blackest Person in the World" according to the Guinness Book of Records.Nyakim Gatwech, ten rengiyle Guinness rekorlar kitabına girdi - Resim: 2

South Sudanese model Nyakim Gatwech was added to the people who surprised us in modeling with their different appearances. The famous model, whose skin color is surprisingly black, managed to attract the attention of many people in a short time. So much so that the beautiful model entered the Guinness book of records with her fascinating skin color.

Who is Nyakim Gatwech, the model with the very black skin? - Quora

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