The Magic Of Mother Nature: 20 Amazing Photos That Will Leave You Wondering If It's Real

#9. Nature has the power to trick our eyes. The Mascarene Plateau in the Indian Ocean looks like an underwater waterfall.
Mascarene Plateau in the Indian Ocean looks like an underwater waterfall.
Source: Myroslava Bozhko

Off the coast of Mauritius, a mesmerizing sight appears as if there is a river and waterfall hidden beneath the surface of the Indian Ocean. However, the reality is quite different. There is no actual waterfall or river in that location. Instead, the stunning sight is created by sand being pushed off an underwater shelf known as the Mascarene Plateau.
Despite the absence of a genuine river or waterfall, the view is truly awe-inspiring. The sand being displaced from the Mascarene Plateau creates an illusion of cascading water, resulting in a breathtaking spectacle. This natural phenomenon is a testament to the wonders and mysteries that abound in our world's oceans, where unexpected and captivating sights can often be found.