This statue have a beehive on it’s head with a live colony of very busy bees These Are the 30 Most Beautiful Gardens in the World Fishermen set a record for the most distinctive and heaviest golden catfish in the Ebro River These Creepy Little Creatures Live Inside the Mouths of Fish, Replacing Their Tongue Photographer Captures Rare, White Deer Mid-Sneeze (Because Nature Is Majestic) Manja, The Rare Melanistic Serval Cat Roams The Serengeti In Tanzania Photographer Captured Rescue Animals “Allowed To Grow Old:”
30 Times This Tattoo Artist Transformed Scars Into Beautiful Works Of Art Jewel wasp (Ampulex compressa), Top 12 World’s Largest Freshwater Fish Real Life Angry Birds Photos By Finnish Photographer Cells from a woolly mammoth that died around 28,000 years ago have begun showing “signs of life” during a groundbreaking scientific experiment. A 100,000 Year Old Electrical Connector Found Embedded In Stone Schizophyllum commune is a species of fungus in the genus Schizophyllum Uplistsikhe Cave Town: 3,000 Years Old Ancient Rock-Hewn Town