33 Stunning Winning Photos From The Close-Up Photographer Discovering Fascinating Facts about Thailand’s Female-Shaped Fruit Tree Preferred Plants: The Most Popular Plants for Garden Lovers Behold, the Lichen Katydid, Markia hystrix, a fascinating creature hailing from the lush landscapes of Central and South America. Every day we are accustomed to seeing flowers that have become commonplace for us, but in spite of this, they are incredibly beautiful. Amazonian royal flycatcher Photographer Captures Magical Beauty of Viewing From Bottom to Top in a Forest
Acorn Woodpeckers Can Store As Much As 50.000 Acorns in a Single Tree 14 Pink Animals That Wow and Woo The tasselled wobbegong (Eucrossorhinus dasypogon) Wild Fox Become Best Friend With A Guy Who Saved Him From A Fur Farm Mind-Blowing Cloud Formations You Probably Haven’t Seen Before 16 garden design ideas to make the best of your outdoor space World’s Largest Bromeliad, ‘Queen of the Andes’, Blooms Only Once in a Century Photographer Is Left In Awe Seeing Mother Goose Care For 47 Goslings And Keep Them All Safe