Most Colorful Birds on the Planet (And Where to Find Them)

5. Keel-billed Toucan
Latin name: Ramphastos sulfuratus
Unique colorful feature: Rainbow-colored bill
Where they are found: Southern Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia
Size: Length: 17 to 22 inches (42 to 55 cm); Weight: 4.7 to 8.8 pounds (2.1 to 4 kg); Wingspan: 43 to 60 inches (109 to 152cm)
Diet: fruit and insects

While there are more than 40 toucan species, the keel-billed toucan is the most colorful due to its beak of red, yellow, orange, blue and green colors. This toucan’s body is mostly black with a yellow throat and chest.

This large, hollow beak can grow up to 7 inches long (20 cm), and the toucan uses it to spar with other males, to attract females, and to snatch fruit, insects and bird eggs.

Keel-billed toucans love flocking together in groups of about 20 individuals and sleeping in tree cavities in the jungles of Central and South America.

They are monogamous throughout the breeding period and both male and female share in the parenting duties that include incubating one to five eggs and feeding the young.