Most Colorful Birds on the Planet (And Where to Find Them)

7. Lady Gouldian Finch
Latin name: Erythrura gouldiae
Unique colorful feature: Multicolored block stripes
Where they are found: Northwestern Australia
Size: Length: 5 inches (130 mm); Weight: 0.42 ounces (11.9 g)
Diet: seeds

A wide array of red, yellow, green, blue, purple and black colors make it easy to see why the Lady Gouldian finch is also called a rainbow finch.

Science has shown that when one of these rainbow finches mates with another of a different color head (red or black), the mortality rate of the offspring can go up to 80%.

Interestingly, the birds themselves somehow know this and will mate with individuals of both red and blackheads to bolster the odds for their offspring.
