Amazing Nature
22 February 2024 ( 25 views )

The Victoria Crowned Pigeon is nature’s most opulent bird

Nature’s stunning works may be seen on every corner of this incredible world.

It’s simple to understand why some believe nature is the best artist on the earth; here’s proof of just how stunning it can be:

Image credits: The Virginia Zoo

Meet the unusual Victoria Crowned Pigeon, which, we must say, does not resemble an ordinary pigeon.

Image credits: Laura Wolf

With its vivid blue plumage comes a wonderfully magnificent crown, which it proudly displays on the top of its head.

Image credits: The Virginia Zoo

This kind of bird may grow to be as big as a full-grown turkey.

Image credits: Laura Wolf

These magnificent pigeons are endemic to New Guinea and were named after Queen Victoria of Britain, who governed the United Kingdom at the close of the nineteenth century.

Image credits: Sandy Cole

These uncommon birds are difficult to identify in the open and are threatened in their native environment by factors such as deforestation.

Image credits: Kitty Schweizer

As a result, this species is listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Image credits: Bernard Dupont

The female only lays one egg every mating season, which has a negative impact on population growth.

Image credits: Dennis Jarvis

Their courtship dance is one of a kind, and it’s as complicated as you’d expect from such a posh bird.

Image credits: Derek Ramsey

As the species’ male approaches the female in an attempt to court her, he bends his head to display his greatest feature, his gorgeous crest.

Image credits: Heather Paul

He then delivers a precise, well-choreographed mating song that includes a rhythmic tail swing and strong tail wagging.

Image credits: Jimmy Palma Gil
Image credits: cuatrok77
Image credits: Valerie
Image credits: Edith Maracle (Berghout)
Image credits: saebaryo
Image credits: Cloudtail the Snow Leopard
Image credits: Terry Kearney
Image credits: cuatrok77
Image credits: Unknown
Image credits: cuatrok77

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