Drought Reveals “Spanish Stonehenge” Older Than the Pyramids. 17 Adult Plants That Look Like They Come Straight This Adorable Sea Slug Eats So Much Algae Ancient Enchanted Grove Has Unique Candelabra-Shaped Redwoods This Strange Plant Has Flowers with Petals Shaped Like Hummingbirds The largest in the world: 'Rafflesia arnoldii', also known as corpse flower, in Indonesia Hydnora africana
Picasso Bug aka Sphaerocoris annulus Fossilized Insect Discovered Not in Amber, But in Opal Giant Horse Conch getting some breakfast... Lexias pardalis caterpillar. The Mauna Kea silversword (the flower of patience) Haworthia obtusa The Beefsteak Fungus, also known as Fistulina hepatica Peacock Tarantula (Poecilotheria Metallica)